The Max Wetteland Story 29 August, 1938 – 5 July 2015 By Pat Flanagan (published in 40.2 of Zigzag) When the time is ripe and the world needs to take a step ahead and explore new boundaries, someone like Max Wetteland will come along and shine his...
Future Legends 3.0 full report

Future Legends 3.0 full report

Surfing: Future Legends Final Event Great Success: Goor Wins JBU Supertrial Wildcard Durban, Saturday 19 March – Promising conditions at the New Pier in Durban saw event organizers move the final Future Legends Coaching Series event across to New Pier from the Dairy...
Legends 2015 Video

Legends 2015 Video

In May 2015 we put on a Gala Diner to raise funds for our ongoing junior surfing program. Tim Williams and I put together this video for the show. Its a year old now, but intrinsicly it states who Legends are and what Legends do. As Shaun Tomson says at the end of the...
Bruce Jackson – Head coach HPSA

Bruce Jackson – Head coach HPSA

Legend’s recently inaugurated High Performance Surfing Academy’s head coach, BRUCE JACKSON is often ragged about losing the 78 St. Michaels World ISA Title to his best buddy, ANT BRODOWITZ. But let it be said that many at the event had him as clear...
TWIGGY – a movie by Michael Oblowitz

TWIGGY – a movie by Michael Oblowitz

This is one of the most awesome videos that we’ve ever posted on the Legends pages. This movie on Twiggy gives the viewer a tangible look in to the exploits of a man hell bent of surfing the biggest waves that the planet can throw up. In the movie...